UMBC CMSC201, Computer Science I, Fall 1994
Sections 0101, 0102 and Honors
Thursday October 6, 1994
Assigned Reading: 5.1
Handouts (available on-line): corrected Project 2 handout
Topics Covered:
- Project 2: the 8 step plan.
- A simple function which converts temperature from Celsius
to Farenheit.
Program and
sample run.
- A function that returns a boolean value (whether the
parameter is even).
- A function that has a for loop inside and computes
the factorial of the parameter.
Program and
sample run.
- A function that returns the middle number of the parameters.
Program and
sample run.
- Finding the minimum weight and height of two players.
Last Modified:
Thu Oct 13 09:41:48 EDT 1994
Richard Chang,