Homework 1: Remote Login
Due: Tuesday 9/20 by 1pm
To make sure that every student can log into the GL system remotely.
The Assignment
- Determine which computer you will use to do your CMSC104
homework. This could be:
- A computer in one of UMBC's labs. Lab locations are listed
Find such a computer, boot it into Linux and log in. Launch the Terminal application as you did in class. - Your own computer running Mac OS X. Launch the Terminal application in /Applications/Utilities
and log into the GL system using the command:
ssh -l username gl.umbc.edu
where username is your UMBC username.
- Your own computer running Microsoft Windows. Download and install Tera Term from UMBC's DOIT, if you haven't done so already:
After Tera Term has been installed, go to the Start menu, select "All Programs" then "UMBC - Tera Term Pro SSH". There should be an item named "GL" in the submenu. Select "GL" and log in.
- A computer in one of UMBC's labs. Lab locations are listed
- Change directory to the hw01 directory you created in class for Classwork 2. If you did not do this in class, follow the directions and create one now.
- Copy a file with some survey questions into your curent directory:
cp /afs/umbc.edu/users/c/h/chang/pub/cmsc104/survey.txt .
Don't forget the final '.' in the Unix command. It means that the survey.txt file should be copied into the current directory (which should be your hw01 directory).
- Use nano to edit the survey.txt file and answer the survey questions in the file.
- Save the file in nano and exit.
- Submit your edited file:
submit cs104_chang hw01 survey.txt
Be sure to logout completely when you have finished!