Publications by Blazej Bulka

Peer-reviewed publications

Journal publications

  • Yi Lu, Blazej Bulka, Marie desJardins, and Stephen J. Freeland, "Amino Acid Quantitative Structure Property Relationship Database: A Web-based Platform for Quantitative Investigations of Amino Acids." Proteing Engineering Desing and Selection, PEDS Advance Access, June 8, 2007.
    [Access at the publisher's website]

  • Gang Wu, Yuanpu Zheng, Imran Qureshi, Htar Thant Zin, Tyler Beck, Blazej Bulka, and Stephen J. Freeland, "SGDB: a Database of Synthetic Genes Re-designed for Optimizing Protein Over-expression." Nucleic Acids Research 35:D76-9, 2007.
    [Access at the publisher's website]

  • Marie desJardins, Blazej Bulka, Ryan Carr, Andrew Hunt, Priyang Rathod, and Penny Rheingans, "Heuristic Search and Information Visualization methods for School Redistricting." AI Magazine, Special Issue on Innovative Applications (Best Papers of IAAI-2006), AAAI Press. To appear, Fall 2007.

  • Blazej Bulka, Marie desJardins, and Stephen J. Freeland, "An Interactive Visualization Tool to Explore the Biophysical Properties of Amino Acids and Their Contribution to Substitution Matrices." BMC Bioinformatics 7:329, 2006.
    [Open Access at the publisher's website]

  • Blazej Bulka, Matthew Gaston, and Marie desJardins, "Local Strategy Learning in Networked Multi-Agent Team Formation." Journal of Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (JAAMAS), Springer, OnlineFirst, Springer 2006.
    [Download PDF] (PDF is provided here for personal use only; commercial distribution by Springer in JAAMAS)

Conference and workshop publications

  • Blazej Bulka, "Analyzing, Learning, and Shaping Planning Search Spaces." ICAPS Doctoral Consortium 2006.

  • Marie desJardins, Blazej Bulka, Ryan Carr, Andrew Hunt, Priyang Rathod, and Penny Rheingans, "Heuristic Search and Information Visualization Methods for School Redistricting." Eighteenth Annual Conference on Innovative Applications of Artificial Intelligence (IAAI-06), Boston, MA, July 16-20, 2006.
    [Download PDF] (PDF is copyrighted by AAAI, and provided for personal use only.)

  • Blazej Bulka, and Marie desJardins, "Integrating Top-down Planning with a Bottom-up Approach that Learns to Locally Combine Actions." AAAI Spring Symposium on Distributed Plan and Schedule Management, Stanford, CA, March 27-29, 2006.
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  • Blazej Bulka, Matthew Gaston, and Marie desJardins, "Local Learning to Improve Organizational Performance in Networked Multiagent Team Formation." AAAI Workshop on Multiagent Learning, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, July 10, 2005.
    [Download PDF] (PDF is copyrighted by AAAI, and provided for personal use only.)

Non peer-reviewed publications

  • Blazej Bulka, "Integrating Knowledge from Multiple Data Sources to Coordinate Activities of Independent Entities." Marie Curie Fellowships European Scientific Workshop "Developing a scientific career," Donostia-San Sebastián, Spain, 28-30 November, 2002.
    [Download PDF containing the whole proceedings (5.84MB)]

  • Blazej Bulka, "Język skryptowy Perl" (in Polish; Perl scripting language). Internal publication of the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poland, 1999.


  • Gang Wu, Blazej Bulka, Yuanpu Zheng, and Stephen Freeland, "Creating RGDB: a sequence database of recorded genes," a poster at "ALA IX: Futures in Biomedical Research" Symposium, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, November 15, 2005.

  • Blazej Bulka, "Learning an Efficient Team Formation Strategy in a Networked Multiagent Environment," a poster at Fourth Americas School on Agents and Multiagent Systems, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, July 8, 2005.

  • Blazej Bulka, Marie desJardins, and Stephen J. Freeland, "Impact of CLUSTALW parameters on the quality of protein sequence alignment." a poster ata "ALA VIII: Futures in Biomedical Research" Symposium, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, November 17, 2004.

  • Yi Lu, Blazej Bulka, Stephen J. Freeland, and Marie desJardins, "Developing an Interactive Web Platform for Exploring Amino Acid Substitution Patterns," a poster at Evolution 2004 Conference, Fort Collins, CO, June 26-30, 2004.

Last modification: 6/11/2007